PETCORE EUROPE is pleased to have been nominated to join the European Commission Directorate General for Environment’s Informal Expert Group on Waste.

Its inclusion represents an important landmark for the association. It marks recognition from the European Commission of PETCORE EUROPE’s role in representing the PET value chain in Europe and acknowledges the contribution the sector has to make as a reliable interface in guiding Europe’s waste policy.

“The EU has already set in place a great deal of PET regulation through both the Single-Use Plastics Directive and the Waste and Packaging Waste Regulation,” commented PETCORE EUROPE president, Antonello Ciotti. “We are pleased that Commission has finally acknowledged the role that our industry plays and look forward to being a part of the future dialogue and contributing both our market knowledge and technical expertise.”

“This has been a real team effort and I would like to thank the many PETCORE members that supported our application,” concluded Ciotti.

PETCORE EUROPE’s appointment to the Expert Group followed a selection procedure in response to a public Call for Members. Applications were assessed by the responsible Commission services in accordance with procedure and selection criteria laid down in the Call.

The first meeting of the Informal Expert Group on Waste will be scheduled in the coming weeks.

To read the newsletter in PDF , please follow this link.